Historical Highlights

- Club started by number of local businessmen "The Dutch Companee."
- First ski season, presidency of Clare Duffus, the Club attracted 200 members.
- Second season the club publish its own newsletter, The Chicopee Skier.
- Most distinctive features of the pioneer period was the thriving social life.
- Controlled & safe skiing was emphasized at the Chicopee from the beginning.
- 1st hills were 'Front Hill’ & 'Sumac Hill’ named for the heavy sumac growth.
- In 1935 the first hill lights were provided by battery powered auto headlights.
- In 1936 a new 115-foot and the 45-foot junior jump were constructed.
- In 1936 pre-season dry land training and organized ski lessons started.
- 1936/37 membership cost: Senior men $2.50, women $1.50 and juniors 50 cents.

- Second World War lead to a decline in memberships and finance.
- Formation of the first Racing club.
- 10th Birthday party, 200 members.
- Social life very important to Club's spirit.
- Membership grows to 1,300 members.
- New senior jump replaces old one.
- 1941/2 Chicopee ski school and ski patrol established.
- 1945 First electrical rope tow on Sumac Hill.
- 1947 new 770' rope tow on North.
- 1948 Halliwell house built by volunteers.

- Chicopee hosted their first Nordic Ski Jump Competition.
- Annual ski trips to Mont Tremblant.
- Skinanigans, Slush Mush and Obstacle course events.
- Ski School now has 174 participants.
- $1.00 per lesson or $5.00 per season lessons.
- Chicopee participates in province wide ski competitions.
- Urgency of plans to purchase Chicopee Lands.
- Rekindling of famous "Chicopee Spirit".
- Ski Patrol wins Carling Trophy.
- Memberships grow to 1,000 in 1950 and fall to 137 in 1955

- Chicopee Board proposed $16,000 land purchase.
- GRCA becomes new Land Owners.
- New ski runs, rope tows, improved lighting.
- First Management team, ski rentals, and catering.
- 1962 first First-aid post to help injured.
- 1966 First year of snow making ability.
- 1968 Artificial pond dug out and constructed.
- 1968 First T-bar on North Hill moves 1,200 skiers per hour.
- 1968 Nancy Green Ski League Racing.
- 1969 Construction of new Ski Chalet for $190,500.

- Explosive Growth to 5,554 Ski Members.
- First new 25 year GRCA agreement for land.
- Consulting firm hired for solutions for club's future.
- Cross country skiing available.
- Chicopee now a well established first rate ski facility with exceptional Ski Patrol.
- Ski Racers 30+ yrs old, formed Teams.
- Hiking and Picnics a big part of summer fun.
- 1972 Ski School offered instruction to people with disabilities.
- 1975 Chicopee celebrates its 40th birthday.
- 1979 Chicopee Horseshoe and Broomball Leagues.

- Opened under a shadow of uncertainty with cash flow problems.
- Peter Schwirtlich and Members loaned money to the club.
- New operational philosophy, concentrating on Families.
- Clean new dirt from Freeport Hospital used to heighten hill.
- New Varga Plan for future expansion plans.
- Building of new Apple Bowl and Tenderfoot Hill.
- 1983 50th year Anniversary celebrated.
- 1984 Ski Friends program developed.
- 1987 New Lounge in Chalet.
- 1987 Ontario Track-3 Ski Association created.

- The Tenderfoot T-bar replaced with new double chair lift.
- New state-of-the-art compressor house increased snow-making capacity.
- New hydro facilities, providing adequate and centralized power for lighting.
- Racing program continues to grow to 300 racers .
- Replaced the quartz hill lights with modern metal Halide fixtures.
- 1991 New Apple Bowl Hill and a new modern Apple bowl lift added.
- 1992- 140 people with disabilities involved in the Track 3 programs across Ontario
- 1993 Racing Program expanded to over 300 racers.
- 1993 Katerina won the World Cup gold medal in combined freestyle category.
- 1993 Ski school employed 13 full-time and 45 part-time employees.

- Opening of the new Beginner Center.
- Birth of the Kodiak Bear called " KODI " as new Mascot.
- New Volleyball courts built with 24 teams participating in leagues.
- McMaster Sports opens new retail store.
- New summer programs: including High ropes, Climbing wall, mountain biking.
- Chalet upgrades: new Guest service area, Admin centre, new Racing center.
- New Website, Facebook, Twitter, and Wi-Fi available in chalet.
- 2002- New 2 Hour and 4 Hour lift ticket options.
- 2003 - New 400' Surface Lift for Beginner Centre.

- Celebrated Chicopee's 85th Birthday
- Installed an updated vertical challenge course
- Membership and lesson growth
- Saw the start of the COVID-19 Pandemic